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A Place to Learn, Grow, and Succeed

Tutoring Services

Math and Physics Tutoring Services

Our Courses

Start Your Journey to Success Today

Morphing Shape

Math Tutoring

From Functions to Abstract Algebra & Geometry


Physics Tutoring

Unlock Your Intuition for Physics


Notes & Resources 

Coming Soon


Expert Tutoring

Years of experience in teaching math and physics in both highschool and undergraduate settings. Passionate about sharing knowledge and helping students succeed.

What We Offer


Flexible Scheduling

We understand that students have busy schedules, so we offer flexible scheduling options that work best for you.


Personalized Learning

We believe that every student is unique and has different learning needs. That's why we offer personalized learning plans tailored to your individual needs.


“Basel stands out as an excellent tutor in my experience. His skills lie in connecting unfamiliar ideas with pre-existing knowledge, enhancing comprehension significantly. Moreover, his adaptable teaching approach, particularly through the use of effective examples and analogies, has consistently contributed to my learning. Every session with has left me with an improved and more profound understanding of the subject.”

Muhammad Yaseen


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